New discover the speed manifest method, speeds your vibration
NEW! Discover the "Speed Manifest Method" that speeds your vibration - so you can finally manifest your thoughts into reality
New discover the speed manifest method, speeds your vibration. One of the core concepts of practical psychology is that you get more of what you reinforce. One of the easiest ways to increase your manifesting results is to review your previous successes with manifesting before you begin a new project.
This reminds you of all the neat things you've already accomplished and revived the states of mind you've already been in many times before.
If you're serious about your manifesting experiments, then the easiest way to get better results with virtually no extra effort is simply by keeping a journal of your progress.
Here's what I mean by this - go and grab a notepad or diary or if you prefer to set up a word processor file that you're going to use daily, starting now, to record the manifesting projects you're working on, what techniques you're learning and applying and what results in you've obtained, along with your thoughts, opinions, and ideas for future improvements.
The difference in skill level and physical results between people who do this simple step and those who try to keep it all in their heads is enormous.
Not only will this easy practice accelerate how good you get at manifesting techniques, and thus speed up the attainment of virtually anything you desire from life, it builds into a unique library of personal accomplishment you'll enjoy reading back over in the months ahead.
It also helps to keep you fairly disciplined (in a laid back and playful way of course) about how often you've actually used particular techniques, which ones you liked the most, which ones you got the best results from, which can and does vary to a degree from person to person. So go and get one now!
A good place to start with is right where you are now with whichever manifesting process appeals to you the most. A recommended training and development program might be to pick a drill or two you like the sound of and has a solid track record and thoroughly learn it first.
You'd be surprised how many people jump in at the deep end with mind control processes, especially when learned from books and expect instant mastery.
I like to write all the steps out by hand or rewrite them in my own words really wire the process in, THEN put it to the test on several fairly easy targets to get an idea of whether or not the process is something I'm going to keep in my toolbox.
A sensible approach would be to use a manifesting method daily on little things for a couple of weeks until you've got the technique down. From there I would usually expect some opportunity to get the goal, or the goal itself to have arrived inside a few days, once I was happy I'd mastered the technique.
If you get your target faster, just go get something else as well! If you're more adventurous, feel free to repeat the drill as many times a day as you like, an approach I sometimes employ if I want to get maximum experience in the minimum time.
Often times you hear people talk about things they don't want in their lives, or how hard it is to get what they want. All along not realizing that they are pushing away the very thing that they want by focusing mainly on negatives things and by their lack of gratitude for what they already have.
You have probably have seen or heard of the international phenomenon called "The Secret" that is roaming through the globe like wildfire. In "The Secret" they talked about gratitude as one of the elements to receive what you want in life, but they didn't dwell too much on how one can summon the feeling of gratitude on-demand, or how to incorporate that feeling permanently into their behavior where it leads to a life of daily bliss and manifestation.
In this article, you are going to learn two easy and effective ways on how to do just that and start manifesting more of the life that you want.
The first method that you hear mentioned quite frequently, is the use of a daily journal to write down all the things that happened that day and that you are grateful for in your life. This one method is pretty effective to use right before you go to sleep or throughout the day.
But then again, people don't always remember every single gift they've received on that day. It's true that when you start writing one event that took place, you are reminded by another and another. But in the same token, you could also easily forget to write everything into your daily journal for that day, and in the rush of life, you could also find yourself getting complacent and procrastinating.
So what's the solution? You might be asking yourself at this point -Combining the Daily Gratitude Journal with another method I'm about to show you.
Besides writing daily in your gratitude journal all the blessings that the Universe bestowed upon you, you could also give thanks at the moment that you receive every single gift-even the smallest of them. It could be given thanks when a person holds a door for you, or a friend unexpectedly treats you to lunch.
Of course, you would have to thank the person too, and then give thanks to GOD or the Universe in your heart for the very gift you've just been given. This alone will accelerate the flow and manifestation of more good things coming to you.
But you must give thanks in a sincere manner and not just words you blur. Just remember what you focus on, expands and increases in your life, and just like you've heard in the movie "The Secret-The Universe Likes Speed".
Giving thanks at the moment you receive will speed up the manifestation of your desires, and just in case you forgot to include a particular blessing in your journal, the Universe/God is keeping tabs on your behalf and not missing any items.
Go ahead, try it and you will see miracles unfolding in your daily life and on a continuous basis. Seemingly small miracles at first that keep on getting bigger and more breathtaking- all depending on how much thanks you give on a continuous basis.
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