Manifesting Magical Moments One Day at a Time

Manifesting Magical Moments One Day at a Time

Manifesting Magical Moments One Day at a Time

Manifesting Magical Moments One Day at a Time. As a scientist, I am able to do repetitive things hours at a time. It does not bore me. It is the same reason I am able to eat the same thing again and again and again. I do not crave for variety.

Sometimes a single experiment has to be done within a stretch of ten hours. I was used to it. Every day, I see the magic happen in my own life within a 24-hour stretch. Nothing spectacular, just little moments. Magic is a part of my life.

Last night was different. I was emailing a friend about and I told him three because I forgot to count the others. But as "A Course in Miracles" reiterated, there are no small miracles. All of them are weighted the same. First, I found a quarter at the gas pump.

Considering that it is an everyday occurrence for me to find a penny, a nickel, or a dime and sometimes multiples of them every single day, a quarter was a big deal. I put it in my wallet. It was the second quarter I found in three days.

Second, I got a call from four different investors from four different sites where I posted advertisements. One hundred percent response on a single ad.

Third, I made a client at least $25,000 instant profit on a single purchase. This was truly amazing.

Fourth, I found the perfect tenant for one property that I am managing.

Fifth I lined up another tenant for another property making that property one hundred percent occupied.

Sixth, my gardener brought the right tools this time so he could trim the bushes, without my telling him. I simply wished it. Normally I would tell him and he would come back with the tools.

Seventh, I found an answer to a question, a very personal one. It was eye-opening. It was as if a whole new world just opened for me.

Here are the things that I did that day that I do not normally do.

I was so happy that I was laughing by myself, aloud, in the car, as I was remembering some things.

When I met with my clients, I put myself in their shoes. I already know what it is like to make these kinds of purchases, big-ticket items, long term investments. I "removed" the pressure from them by being in their shoes and letting be. I repeated the phrase "They Will be Done."

Third, I relinquished all appearances of outward control. I was simply being. I simply acted on what was needed to be done at the moment.

Fourth, I did the Heart Meditation (see the previous article on Clearing Blockages) once in the morning and once in the evening. I had been up since four in the morning and never did I have so much energy.

The most important thing I did was put myself in Sacred Space as often as I could. A bubble of unconditional Love. I let go.

The key elements for manifesting: happiness, detachment, simply being, and going into a space of unconditional love. In that space of unconditional love, there is no resistance, no expectation, no clinging, no wanting the desired outcome. You are simply experiencing Love. Pure love. It is the space where all magic happens.

I wish you as many or more magical moments in a day as you can handle. I hope that this would help you get what you desire the most.

How to Capture Miraculous Moments, Magical Moments

Manifesting Magical Moments One Day at a Time

"I know the joy of fishes in the river through my own joy as I walk along the river"-from the "Joy of Fishes, in The Way of Chuang Tzu" by Thomas Merton

To be in Tao is to be in the Flow all the Time. However this state of mind is only arrived at either after a long time of self-discipline or after eons of being reincarnated, either way, one has to go through the tests, of will, of character, of spiritual tenacity and at times, what reason calls the verge of madness. This is what St. John of the Cross calls the dark night of the soul. To be in the flow all the time means to be in absolute surrender to the present moment, whatever is called for.

The discipline required is of the will, man's will. In time, there can be absolute surrender but to get there and stay there one has had to have dissected the ego and realize it for what it is.: a construct of the mind that has become master. It is so intelligent it does not want to be a slave, it wants to enslave instead.

When one is in the flow then every moment is truly magical. In this state of mind, when all resistances are given up, surrendered, one can manifest and sometimes, instantaneously.

And yet there are moments that we are in the flow and yet still not recognize it.

I will tell you three stories of manifesting magical moments. One is about one of my clients and the other two about two of my friends.

This one is about the power of intention/decision/desire

One of my business clients wanted a modest estate for a new home. He had found so many to look at but his heart was set on this one. He wanted it. It was his hearts' desire.

To my amazement and pure delight, he created a situation where the unusual became possible. When on the verge of getting it, he decided he did not want it after all.

This is a real-life situation. The fascinating thing about it from my point of view is the ability of one man to desire something so much that his desire fueled a series of events that would lead to what he THOUGHT he wanted and then decided he did not.

It reminds me of the episode where Spock's future wife created a situation where she would end up the victor regardless of what happens, and Spock telling her in the end that "You will find that having is not the same as wanting."

The second one is more radical.

It is "Instantaneous Manifestation of Desire"

One of my friends lost her car to an accident and the insurance she had did not cover for a replacement.

For two weeks she tells me "Oh, Melinda, I could really use a car right now. I really need a car, I want a car but I do not have the money to buy one right now"

I told her "So manifest a car. Having the money to buy the car is an extra step. There are many ways for you to get the car"

Three days of my telling her this.

She writes me the third day and says "Melinda, one of my friends got promoted and will be having a nice company car. He told me I can have his old car!"

The lesson: "Ask for what you want and forget about how it will come to you"

Once she "believed" that she could have the car without the money, the car came.

The third one we experience, often, but do not pay attention to it so much because we attribute it to chance.

One of my friends needed a computer but he did not have much money. He decided that he will get a computer with everything for what he can afford to pay $200.

One week he searched. There was only one listed that was selling for $200. He called the person and the computer for sale was two years old and had all the programs I myself had paid for over a thousand dollars for my own computers. The guy who owned it is a techie and just wanted to get rid of his two-year-old computer Miraculous for my friend and yet when he was telling me about it, he attributed it to chance.

What will it be for you? Your task is to pay attention

There is an easier way, a shortcut if you will. Capture the feeling of loving unconditionally and from that viewpoint, ask, create, desire what you want, and then let it go.

Allow the Universe to bring you what you want. It works.

If what you want is for your own highest good, it will ALWAYS work.

I wish you everything your heart desires, always, but only if it is good for you in the long run, and that is why we always end any manifestation session with

"I know it will come to me under the best circumstances and at the proper time if it is for my best and highest good, and if it is for the best and highest good of everyone involved. I give thanks in advance and I can simply let it go."

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